Everything Zen -Massage & Wellness LLC
Massage, Doula, Education
at Monarch Integrative Care
620 N. 48th St Suite 203
Lincoln, NE 68504
Therapeutic pain relief, gentle relaxation, nuggets of intuitive wisdom... whatever you need to take care of yourself! Customized wellness massage encompasses everything from gentle relaxation to deep tissue and deep pressure therapy. My clients common complaints addressed are tensions related to anxiety, desk work, nursing/babywearing, low back/hip pains. Appointments require a 50% deposit to book online.
30 minutes - $55
30 minute Headache Relief - $60 (includes hot towels and aromatherapy, and a blend of massage and CFT)
45 minutes - $75
60 minutes - $95
75 minutes - $110
90 minutes - $120
120 minutes - $150
Craniofascial Therapy - Infants and Families
Craniofascial therapy combines the craniosacral system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, skull and pelvis, and the rhythm of cerebrospinal fluid and the fascial web that weaves throughout our entire body. In a weird description, CFT invites your body to unwind and move as if you are a human Oujia board!
I discovered CFT as I was researching things to help me and my two tongue tied babies. In addition to chiropractic care and proper tie revision, CFT before and after revision greatly improves nursing success as well as facial/cranial development in babies. Older babies and children also greatly benefit from this fascial unwinding, as the tension of fetal development and early bumps and falls can be undone to improve their growth. Parents report CFT helps their babies and kids seem calmer, happier, sleep better, and poop better! Neurodivergent children have great improvements from CFT as well, with calmer dispositions, improved sleep and mouth breathing, and better communication.
CFT is ideal for trauma integration as well, allowing our body to release the emotional tension of past events, toxin overload, and burnout. This deep relaxation and peace, along with an increase in range of motion and movement makes CFT a must-try for your healing journey!
15 minutes - $30
30 minutes - $60
45 minutes - $80
60 minutes - $100