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Take your self care day to a new level! With an in home massage and doula combo package, you get a 90 minute massage and/or craniofascial work, and then relax while I do some light cleaning such as laundry or dishes, perhaps cook a meal, or offer emotional and spiritual support (I am not affiliated with any formal religion and happy to connect with all families of all faiths). This time is focused on your healing and what you need most to refill your own cup. I believe that we need doulas in all seasons of life, yes especially when entering motherhood, but also for grief, surgery recovery, and just plain burnout! I can make meals from very few ingredients, and have experience with home healthcare, bathing, and wound dressing, with previous employment in adult care. I believe in giving grace and dignity to all people, from the newborn to the elder, and I'm honored to bring peace to your family!


3 hours - $250

Additional time can be scheduled at time of booking at $25/half hour

Therapeutic pain relief, gentle relaxation, nuggets of intuitive wisdom... whatever you need to take care of yourself! Customized wellness massage encompasses everything from gentle relaxation to deep tissue and deep pressure therapy. My clients common complaints addressed are tensions related to anxiety, desk work, nursing/babywearing, low back/hip pains. Appointments are prepaid only, please note our cancellation policy requires a 48 hr notice to refund your appointment.


60 minutes - $95

90 minutes - $120

2 hours - $150

2.5 hours - $180

Craniofascial Therapy - Infants and Families

Craniofascial therapy combines the craniosacral system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, skull and pelvis, and the rhythm of cerebrospinal fluid and the fascial web that weaves throughout our entire body. In a weird description, CFT invites your body to unwind and move as if you are a human Oujia board!


I discovered CFT as I was researching things to help me and my two tongue tied babies. In addition to chiropractic care and proper tie revision, CFT before and after revision greatly improves nursing success as well as facial/cranial development in babies. Older babies and children also greatly benefit from this fascial unwinding, as the tension of fetal development and early bumps and falls can be undone to improve their growth. Parents report CFT helps their babies and kids seem calmer, happier, sleep better, and poop better!


Very young infants and freshly postpartum moms benefit most from several frequent treatments in a short time frame, much like chiropractic care. Older kids may be very wiggly and have a tough time relaxing, but I can still chase them around or work on them as they watch TV or a tablet. In-home CFT for the whole family is a casual and low stress option for bodywork for neurodiverse kids and family members with physical mobility concerns.

30 minute sessions are only available to infants and children under 12, in-office or with a doula visit only.


30 min Infant and Child - $65

45 min - $90

60 min - $115

90 min - $140

2 hrs - $165



All Season Doula Visit

This 3 hour appointment covers doula services such as postpartum support, cooking, cleaning, household supportive tasks. Witchy sister wisdom and village support in all seasons, including grief support, surgery recovery, and any time you need grace and caring assistance.


3 hours - $165

Craniofascial Education for Families

Craniofascial unwinding is such a powerful but gentle and intuitive way to help the body maintain its health and wellness. I love working with parents or caregivers to family members, offering private lessons to empower you to use craniofascial unwinding in the comfort of your own home. This package consists of up to three in home visits, an initial 2 hour educational visit, where we have class on fascia and how to feel for the subtle changes. We will discuss some options for your home treatment plan and answer questions about CFT in your unique case. In a week or two, we will have a follow up visit of an hour, where we address concerns and troubleshoot after you've had time to practice on your loved one. This does not constitute CEU credits or professional education, but instead is to offer families ways to stay in touch with their bodies and address concerns at home. A third visit or video call is left available to you for additional support if necessary. Two adults can be taught in one household class.


Private CFT Lessons - $555

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